Meavy Garden Society


MGS is a very friendly group that welcomes visitors and new members who are also dedicated to encouraging gardening and spreading related information.   Explore this website to learn more, or call 01822 852984 or 852672 for a chat.

The Meavy Garden Society Programme for 2024 is on the Coming Events page


First formed in 1962 the Society’s objects are to: “Extend the knowledge of, and encourage interest in, the cultivation of flowers, plants and vegetables” in a friendly atmosphere.  We welcome all who are “interested in the objects of the Society” from a wide area around Meavy.

Therefore 2024 is the 62nd year since the founding of The Meavy Garden Society.

We normally meet on the third Monday evening of months February to November, at 7:00 pm for refreshments with meetings starting at 7.30pm, in Meavy Parish Hall (PL20 6PJ). Everyone with interests in gardening is welcome to join, be they beginner or expert.

 Annual membership is £18.00 for a couple or £12.00 for individuals.  For most months, once light refreshments and chat have been enjoyed, we have an outside speaker to give us their expertise on a wide variety of topics, with time for questions afterwards.  

The Spring Fun Show is where members display their results from the winter in garden and conservatory.  This commences at 7:00 pm in Meavy Parish Hall on Monday 18th March.  While the judges make their decisions, members – and welcomed visitors – can exercise their brains with competitions.  There is also be a raffle and homemade cakes & biscuits to go with the tea and coffee.   Spring Fun Show 2024 Schedule.

There are usually one or two  self drive outings a year.  (We are not organising a coach outing at present).   

At the Summer Show on Saturday 10th August there are seventeen classes for cut flowers, shrubs, plants in pots and vegetables with a perpetual trophy for each, to be held for the year. See Summer Show Schedule 2024 for details. Visitors are welcome to enter, but only members can be awarded the actual trophies.  The Gordon Cross Trophy, commemorating a past president, is awarded on a points system for the highest total in all classes.  The visiting ‘public’ vote for the best in each class. Exhibits are staged in the morning and the Show is open from 1-4pm. Teas are available.

In 2024 The Meavy Oak Fair will be on Saturday 15th June and hopefully once again there will be a stall manned by members of the Meavy Garden Society.


Meavy Oak Fair 2014

Meavy Oak Fair 2014Three members of the Meavy Garden Society manned the plant stall at Meavy Oak Fair - David Winter, Janet Jones and Kay Moore.

The weather was fantastic for the fair but a little too hot for the plants and the plant stall had to moved from the full sun into a more shaded area, along side the parish hall.

See Recent Events for more on this and other events.



For more information about Meavy Garden Society: Tel. 01822 852672 or 01822 852984, or email .